Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)

This bill has been introduced and pro-choice President Elect Obama has promised to sign it as soon as it come across his desk. In fact he said he wants it to be one of the first things he signs in office. As you can see by the text, our representatives from Maryland, Mikuslski and Sarbanes both have their hands in this.

As Catholics, Christians and Pro-life, we can not let this bill get to Obama's desk. I encourage you to write, email and call your senators and congressman and let them know we do not support this bill.

We have already started to campaign against this bill, but we need your help.

An open letter to President Elect Obama

Barack Obama's "Freedom of Choice Act" Would Mean 125K More Abortions

Read the Myth

Legal Perspective

What can we do:

Download this form and have it placed in your bulletin

Sign the petition below

Write a letter letting your congressional leaders you oppose this bill (Find your Representative)

Tell a friend

We can stop this bill, we just need your help.


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