Monday, August 24, 2009

Griffin goes to the Little League World Series

Well...Sort of...

Griffin and I spent Friday, August 21, 2009, in Williamsport, PA. We went with Pat & Charlie Ronan. Charlie plays in the majors division for Four County Little League. On the drive up there, it did not look good as the rain started to fall. When we arrived we found a great parking space in someone's back yard. $5.00 all can't beat that. As we arrived at Volunteer Stadium the tarp was being pulled off. Griffin said, "It looks like they will start the game soon". But it was not to be. A few minutes later the tarp went back on the field. After about an hour rain delay, the tarp came off, the field was dressed again and the Mid-Atlantic team took the field. It was so exciting to be there for the first game. We watched a total of 4 games (or at least part of 4 games). In addition to all that, we found time to eat kettle corn, buy hats and shirts and take in the rich history of this great event. 2.6 million young people play in Little League making it the worlds largest youth sports organization. It is hard to understand the magnitude until you visit Williamsport, PA and take it all in.

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